Randazzao also reported eight of the eleven districtwide initiatives identified for this school year have been met, focusing on 21 st century teaching and learning. All the goals have several objectives that are completed or in process of being completed soon. Goal four focuses on social and emotional learning by developing programs, partnerships and curricula that concentrates on the well-being of the student by teaching self-awareness of stress, stress factors and relationship skills and responsible decision making in a nurturing environment. Goal three engages all stakeholders in the learning community by fostering a culture of growth and academic achievement by developing a shared vision among all stakeholders. Goal one relates to access and equity/academic achievement for all students by developing a highly engaging academic program by monitoring, assessing and continuously improving teaching and learning. The second goal concerns 21 st century learning by preparing students to be college and career ready by developing programs and curricula that foster student engagement, discovery and inquiry in order to empower students. The superintendent spent time reviewing each of the four pillars of the plan. Randazzo is committed to working with elected officials to continue advocating on behalf of the district.Īlthough faced with challenges, Island Park Schools are working hard to meet and exceed the goals of the 2021-2024 Strategic Plan. It also does not reflect the financial issues the district faces with the impending decision on the EF Barrett Power Plant. Mr. The amount stated does not align with the needs of the community and the CWR misrepresents the number of district families who live below the poverty line.
The budget allows for a minimal increase in state aid of approximately 3%, which equates to an increase of only $52,457. He explained that 3% is more indicative of what some of the wealthiest neighboring districts would expect to receive from the additional state funds. The calculation is based on a comprehensive formula with an emphasis on a school’s Combined Wealth Ratio (CWR). The state calculated Island Park’s CWR to be much higher than it should be due to the revenue received from the EF Barrett Power Plant. Randazzo referenced the recent letter he shared with Island Park families regarding his disappointment of the state’s 2022-23 proposed Executive Budget.
#Loms school professional#
The policy states that all district staff must maintain a professional and ethical relationship with students on or off school property both during and outside of school hours. The policy also outlines appropriate use of electronic communication between employees and students. In his report to the board, Superintendent of Schools Vincent Randazzo noted a change of date from June 22 to June 23 for the eighth grade graduation ceremony. He then conducted the first reading of Board Policy 4110: Employee Student Relationships and Communications. Bruce Hoffman read teachers’ remarks about each student honoree. Hegarty School Principal Cynthia Cameron and Lincoln Orens Middle School Principal Dr. Students who were honored include: Coast Sistrunk (kindergarten), Camila Ramirez Galdamez (grade 1), Emmanuel Brown (grade 2), Giann DeCunzo (grade 3), James Grasso (grade 4), Julie Marrero (grade 5), Lidailin Gabriela Bonilla Ortega (grade 6), Erick Ruiz (grade 7) and Alisson Sarmiento (grade 8). 24 Island Park Board of Education meeting, a number of students were recognized as December Students of the Month for exemplifying communicator qualities.